Lurie, MD

Board Certified Psychiatrist, Biologist, Author, Writer, Speaker, and Political Activist


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My writing portfolio spans from articles to film scripts and I have guest starred on podcasts and TV. Check out my portfolio and contact me.

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The 1st Edition of The Biology of Politics
by Melvyn Lurie, MD

Once you read The Biology of Politics, you will never see politics and history as you do now. Rather, you will see how basic human drives lead to the collapse of societies and civilizations. Then you will be able to answer the question of whether America will die. Submit your email in the box below to receive your FREE COPY!

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the biology of politics by melvyn lurie

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My Published Works

Looking for a speaker?

discover what genetic drives shape politics today

Physician/Psychiatrist Melvyn Lurie will describe a simple, science-based framework through which to see politics. Once you get it, you’ll never look at politics the same.

The Genetics of communism

Genetic Drives Clash on Immigration

Looking for a writer or guest?

I will help you bring your vision to life

As a seasoned psychiatrist with a passion for political analysis, I specialize in topics related to medicine, biology,  and politics. With a writing portfolio that spans newspaper articles, co-written show pilots, and published books, and a media portfolio ranging from podcast to TV interviews, I bring a level of expertise and unique perspective to each project.

Dive into the fascinating intersection of politics and biology.

Obama Wins Again

In case you didn’t notice it, Barack Obama was upended by the backstage Biden team. He only endorsed Kamala Harris after all the other Democrat

Supreme Court Leaks

The New York Times recently published an article with extensive revelations about the inner workings of the Supreme Court. It did so with respect to

What is Critical Theory in Practice?

We hear the terms “Critical Race Theory” and “Critical Theory” all too often, without knowing what they mean. Does “critical” mean really important, or essential,